I’m Maria and I am a Business Support Manager (also known as a Virtual Assistant, VA)
under the company name Thorough Solutions.

I provide business support services to sole traders, freelancers, consultants, entrepreneurs and small business owners so that they can concentrate on their own business success, drive it to the next level and improve their work/life balance. I am the ideal solution to do the tasks that you don’t have the time to do, don’t have the skills to do, or simply don’t want to do.

I take in pride in not being ‘just’ an administrative assistant. Instead, I am able to tailor my services for each client and their needs, and take the work that I do very seriously and professionally. Within a very short space of time I build up knowledge of you, your business and the way you work. In a very cost-effective way, I become an extension of your company, your best resource and your most trusted ally.

One thing is clear, there are only 24 hours in the day, but there is always a long list of things that need to be done. By working with me, we will build a relationship that will offer you continuity, reassurance and efficient support, and you will save time and money. 

I have over 18 years’ experience in administration, project management, event management, consultancy support and publishing support. I am very organised, methodical, reliable, thorough and honest and my attention to detail is very high.

As a professional, affordable and flexible resource, I am the ideal way to save you time and money, either on a long-term or ad-hoc basis: whether it be a set number of hours every week or at a particular time during the month; or a full day on a regular or irregular basis. You only pay for what you need, when you need it!

